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     $1,000,000 Pledged to Turner Charities

...if Ted Turner agrees to head up

We got this idea to offer Ted Turner a top leadership position at ...after watching the CNN biography of Ted Turner in which Mr. Turner is depicted wistfully looking at the CNN headquarters through the window of the building he owns down the street...

                                          …apparently wishing he was still in charge at CNN.

So we’re asking you, Mr. Turner, to use what you learned building CNN to help us develop our News division.  Ted, you consider yourself to be a Humanist, and we consider you to be a high profile leader of the Humanist community.  And we think with your help can be better than CNN ever was.

If you’re reading this and know how to get a hold of Ted Turner …please call his attention to our offer.  If your wish truly is, Mr. Turner, to again see the kind of real news reporting you mentioned in your CNN biography ...then this is your chance to make it happen!  You can do a very good deed for the Humanist community, and the world in general taking the helm at 

Jasmine will be trying to contact you by phone, Mr. Turner, and you can feel free to contact her if you read this before she's able to contact you...

*This offer to Ted Turner was first made in early January of 2014 and is hereby withdrawn as of December 2nd, 2015* 

No real effort was made on our part to contact Ted Turner about this.  The offer is being withdrawn because George Titsworth ( founder) and his family have been threatened and have suffered serious attacks that we believe are meant to discourage the development of ...especially to discourage production of original news programming that presents a point of view that in any way contradicts the U.S. mainstream news narrative.

False criminal charges were brought against George Titsworth in 2013 ...which fortunately could be proven false ...but upon exiting the courtroom (after getting the charges dismissed) George Titsworth was warned to stay quiet or risk being hit with more false criminal charges.  Also threats of violence toward George's children have caused him to reconsider his original plans for ...a right wing group that has the ability to get away with murder and can force many U.S. government officials to abuse their power (attack their targets) has threatened to kill George's daughter and make it look like a suicide if he doesn't obey their demands.

George Titsworth made this offer to Ted Turner as part of a strategy to get the false charges dismissed convince the prosecution that may be able to generate significant enough publicity to damage the prosecutor's career if he continued with prosecuting George Titsworth in spite of clear evidence showing that these criminal charges were false.  But the threats to kill George's children and make their deaths look like "suicide" "drug overdose" or "botched robbery" have left George feeling paralyzed about what to do with

George Titsworth links to RT at because he has damning evidence against the group that's been attacking his family for the past several years ...and they've left him alone ever since he threatened to send this evidence to RT.  So development of has been stalled for several years while George Titsworth and his family have been trying to escape the reach of this group of deranged right wing psychopaths.  George is forbidden by a corrupt court order to discuss the details of why he has not felt free to develop and is currently dependent on a U.S. passport ...which would be revoked if it was discovered he'd explained the details of why he believes it could endanger his kids to develop

The offer was sincere though.  If you ever see this offer Mr. Turner and you are interested ...let us know ...we may still consider it, but only if we can figure out a way to get the children out of range of the danger they're in!

Jasmine M. Odom
Director of Programming

Next Generation TV

Truly Interactive Television!